A meta-recipe book to metabolise the territory. Each recipe processes the ingredients to reveal their complex phenomena.



A four recipe menu, four questions about Venice Lagoon, three steps each. Discover them

EXPERIENCE DEMO: From the menu, scrolling down to select the recipe you want to experience. Once the recipe is selected the experience begins.

EXPERIENCE DEMO: At the end of the experience there's a recap of the places seen in the video.


This is a section on the website that collects all the recipes of the project, highlighting where the places narrated are located.


This is a secondary artifact thought as an alternative souvenir from Venice: instead of bridges and Gondole photos, I photographed natural elements in the mud, plants, algae, invasive crabs remains. The result is this postcard collection that one could detach and just use as a normal postcards. The little window in front of the collection reiterates the invitation of "looking closer" or "discover what can be found under".

"An observation of non-human ingredients that inhabit Venice Lagoon"

The souvenir can be found in normal souvenir shops and the goal is to communicate an alternative vision of Venice: the non-human one. Through a qr code on the backcover is possible to reach the web experience

On the backside of every postcard a sentence can be found, that gives the reader space to reflect. This one says "What other-voices are dissolved in Venice's water?".
There's the name of the species photographed, as well as the location of where said species was photographed, with a piece of the map with the scale.
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